Open Days
The Nursery is only open on the designated ‘Open Days’, when guided tours around the nursery are available as well as question and answers sessions. Enquiries from Garden Clubs and Societies are welcome for guided tours at other times. There is an entrance charge of £10 per person which includes refreshments. Please note that all your entrance fee goes directly to Demelza House Hospice, a local childrens hospice. Your donations means that every year Demelza Hospice have more funds to help toward such a worthy charity.
Open Days 2025
Due to unforeseen circumstances in the winter of 2023/2024 I was unable to carry out necessary winter work on the collections, namely pruning, grubbing some plants and re-planting of others. This has meant that a lot of work is required for this coming winter 2024/2025 so regrettably I will not be having 'Open Days' for Hamamelis and Flowering Cherries. I am sorry to disappoint but this maintenance work is essential but will enable me to get back on track for the following year.